
南洋商業銀行(Nanyang Commercial Bank)一直本著「以客為先,以禮待人」的服務宗旨,以及「信譽第一,服務至上」的原則。最近 Wonderland 有幸與團隊一起合作,為其提供一系列的工作坊,真的能感覺到大家的友善和和諧氣氛~

Team Building 的意義


在設計團隊融合的工作坊時,我們會花很多時間去思考到底團隊希望達成什麼樣的目標/ 目的。我們期待每個成員在工作坊之後,都能為自己的身心靈達到不同的舒緩,放鬆感,最重要是積極的影響。

首先我們安排了一連兩日team building活動香水調香工作坊,讓80位同事除了在Office工作都可以互相交流的機會~藉着香水調香不但可以使大家放鬆✨更是一個可以拉近人與人之間的距離的活動💭。在工作坊中,我們讓每位同事都能親手創造屬於自己的專屬香水。他們不僅學到了調香的指示,還能平衡情緒。






"Bringing the harmony and beauty of nature into the office🦋
You can smell the faint aroma of the forest at a close distance🌿 Instantly transform the working atmosphere into another space, relax and heal in this moment✨"

In Wonderland, any handicraft can become a workshop~

Commemorative items can be produced according to different styles; we also provide specially planned and customized meditation and prayer healing series workshops (for more than 6 people) for brand events, group workshops, and community institutions. Please contact us via Whatsapp for details~

In a comfortable environment with an art space, alone or in a group, let the paintbrush guide you and enjoy the dialogue with your soul.


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