"An Exotic Journey My Mosaic Life Collage" is a handmade coaster with a mosaic theme. Mosaic collage is an inlay art that originated in Mesopotamia. This ancient skill passed down for thousands of years allows creativity to be unleashed and requires only budget able costs to transform and create, giving old items a new look or turning inspiration into works.
Brighten The Life
In the experience class of making mosaic coasters, we use the five senses: eye observation, finger touch, and nose smelling.
In a ritualistic process, we become one with nature and plants because trusting natural raw materials can bring the purest energy.
At the beginning of the activity, we will introduce the origin of mosaics and the various mosaic items that appear in our lives. Then, we will include tips and precautions for making coasters. The materials required for DIY are already ready: a base plate, glue, mosaic decorative blocks, and small tools such as adhesives.
Making coasters seems like a simple collage, but the operation is complex. It takes a lot of patience to assemble small and slippery mosaics in a design-like way.
Art is a way of expression and communication
It allows us to use our imagination and creativity
Cultivate independent thinking ability and innovation awareness
A small coaster
Add some incredible ideas
You can make different small objects
Various abstract geometric patterns
Suitable for any color
In addition to personal experience workshops, we offer group classes (for groups of more than 6 people) and customized activities for companies and teams.
In a comfortable environment with an art space, alone or in a group, let the paintbrush guide you and enjoy the dialogue with your soul.