Wonderland has been telling stories with art & healing since 2020, building a reputation in Hong Kong for creating beautiful and memorable art creations perfectly matched to every dream.
Brand Philosophy
At the heart of our studio practice is a love of the shape and form of Mother Earth, combined with a creative edge. We’re passionate about celebrating nature in our installations and working with seasonal flowers and foliage helps us to keep within nature’s own cycle.
Our Approach
At Wonderland, our passion for art starts with nature – like when we arrive at the art place to hunt out the best stems and foliage we can find. Working with nature and soul has always been important to us and we’ve been doing the creation wherever possible for over “a decade”.
We are, and always have been, committed to finding ethical, sustainable solutions to the challenges within our industry. From using recycled packaging and wrapping, we continually look at ways to reduce our carbon footprint and benefit the local community.
Wonderland是愛麗絲夢遊仙境去到的地方, 美麗和充滿各種奇妙相遇。代表着每人心中都充滿着美好和夢想。而這個美好的地方,不用尋找,就在大家心裏。
主要以關於藝術、大自然、身心靈元素為主題,希望讓更多人關注身心靈健康,探索並了解自己;提升生命的感受能力和覺知力, 找回內在力量, 活出真實喜悅的生命狀態。
Vanessa Lee
The Founder
With more than a decade’s experience at the architect design, Vanessa Lee is one of the talented lighting designers. Having worked under the design company, she later worked for some of Hong Kong’s prestigious art pieces on events and celebrity weddings. In 2020 she founded Wonderland to reflect her own intimate and artistic approach. Born and raised in Hong Kong, Vanessa has always loved the city’s relentless pace and creativity, something that’s an endless source of inspiration to her. Yet she also craves the peace and natural beauty of the great outdoors. It’s this balance, between the vibrancy of the city and the beauty of the natural world that defines Vanessa’s own individual style.
Drawing on her love of colour and texture, she combines romance and wildness in rich, generous compositions that are both thoughtful and unexpected. Her studio and shops are havens from the urban jungle; like calm oases in the midst of the metropolis. They are bursting with full blooms, hanging plants and potted trees. It’s in these green and peaceful spaces that Vanessa and her team create their designs, inspired by the city just outside.
Wonderland 創始人 Vanessa Lee
▫️ 日本JPHAA和諧粉彩正指導師
▫️ 助理園藝治療師
▫️ 酒精墨水認證導師
▫️ 藝術心靈療癒師
▫️ 冥想引導導師
▫️ 動物傳心師
▫️ 薩滿療癒師
▫️ 卡牌及心靈諮詢
Our Clients